x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B Toni Morrison x{0026}lt;/B (1931-2019) nació en Lorain (Ohio). Alternó su trabajo de profesora de Humanidades en la Universidad de Princeton con la actividad literaria. En sus obras planteó la problemática de la población negra en Estados Unidos, en especial la situación de las mujeres. Fue autora de las novelas x{0026}lt;I Ojos azulesx{0026}lt;/I (1970), x{0026}lt;I Sula x{0026}lt;/I (1973), x{0026}lt;I La canción de Salomónx{0026}lt;/I (1977, National Book Critics Circle Award en 1978), x{0026}lt;I La isla de los caballerosx{0026}lt;/I (1981), x{0026}lt;I Beloved x{0026}lt;/I (1987, Premio Pulitzer), x{0026}lt;I Jazz x{0026}lt;/I (1992), x{0026}lt;I Paraíso x{0026}lt;/I (1997), x{0026}lt;I Amor x{0026}lt;/I (2003), x{0026}lt;I Una bendición x{0026}lt;/I (2008; Lumen, 2009), x{0026}lt;I Volver x{0026}lt;/I (Lumen, 2012) y x{0026}lt;I La noche de los niñosx{0026}lt;/I (Lumen, 2016), y de ensayos como x{0026}lt;I El origen de los otrosx{0026}lt;/I (Lumen, 2018). x{0026}lt;I La fuente de la autoestimax{0026}lt;/I (Lumen, 2020) es su último libro. En 1993 obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Murió en agosto de 2019 en el pequeño pueblo neoyorquino de Grand View-on-Hudson a los ochenta y ocho años de edad.x{0026}lt;/P
Mostrando 57 libros encontrados (3 páginas)
Una vez más, la gran Toni Morrison aborda con maestría las paradojas y horrores de la esclavitud americana.El miedo y la pasión son sentimientos que nos hacen caminar al límite de nuestras fuerzas y nos empujan hacia delante, recorriendo caminos arriesgados. Florens, una joven de dieciséis años con manos de esclava y pies de princesa, ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 176 páginas
PVP: 20,00 €
ISBN 978-0-7011-8045-4
EAN 9780701180454
In the 1680s the slave trade was still in its infancy. In the Americas, virulent religious and class division, prejudice and oppression were rife, providing the fertile soil in which slavery and race hatred were carefully planted and took root. Jacob is an Anglo-Dutch trader and adventurer, with a smallholding in the harsh North.Despite his ...
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En 1926, le c ur d'Harlem est en pleine ébullition.Le Jazz Age incarne la liberté d'une nouvelle génération de Noirs américains et sème sur la ville un air de folie. Joe, en proie au délire, assassine sa jeune maîtresse devant sa femme. Dans un accès de rage, celle-ci se jette à son tour sur la ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 379 páginas
PVP: 11,95 €
ISBN 978-2-264-04796-0
EAN 9782264047960
Inspiré d'un fait divers survenu en 1856, Beloved exhume l'horreur et la folie d'un passé douloureux. Sethe est une ancienne esclave qui, au nom de l'amour et de la liberté, a tué l'enfant qu'elle chérissait pour ne pas la voir vivre l'expérience avilissante de la servitude. Quelques années plus tard, le fantôme de Beloved, la ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 352 páginas
PVP: 15,50 €
ISBN 978-0-09-927393-6
EAN 9780099273936
Terrible things happened to Sethe in the farm where she lived as a slave for so many years until she escaped to Ohio. Her new life is full of hope but eighteen years later she is still not free.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura · 316 páginas
PVP: 26,75 €
ISBN 978-0-307-26488-6
EAN 9780307264886
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, Toni Morrison's Beloved is a spellbinding and dazzlingly innovative portrait of a woman haunted by the past.Sethe was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has borne the unthinkable and not gone mad, yet she is still held captive by ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa dura con sobrecubierta · 360 páginas
PVP: 19,25 €
ISBN 978-1-85715-268-5
EAN 9781857152685
It is the mid-1800s. At Sweet Home in Kentucky, an era is ending as slavery comes under attack from the abolitionists. The worlds of Halle and Paul D. are to be destroyed in a cataclysm of torment and agony. The world of Sethe, however, is to turn from one of love to one of violence ...
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x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B Heed y Christine, dos mujeres ya ancianas, han dedicado toda su vida a amar a un solo hombre y a odiarse...x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P Heed y Christine, dos mujeres ya ancianas, han dedicado toda su vida a amar a un solo hombre y a odiarse de mil maneras distintas. Quien despertó en su día ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 224 páginas
PVP: 13,15 €
ISBN 978-0-09-945549-3
EAN 9780099455493
May, Christine, Heed, Junior, Vida - even L - all are women obsessed by Bill Cosey. More than the wealthy owner of the famous Cosey Hotel and Resort, he shapes their yearnings for a father, husband, lover, guardian, and friend, yearnings that dominate the lives of these women long after his death. Yet Cosey himself ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 432 páginas
PVP: 12,95 €
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x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;B Una novela poderosa, sensual y poética que explora la historia que une cuatro generaciones de una familia erróneamente llamada Dead.x{0026}lt;/B x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P A medio camino entre la fantasía mítica y la cruda realidad de los guetos negros en los años sesenta, x{0026}lt;I La canción de Salomónx{0026}lt;/I narra la historia familiar de un próspero ...
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PVP: 18,00 €
ISBN 978-1-4000-3341-6
EAN 9781400033416
Staring unflinchingly into the abyss of slavery, this spellbinding novel transforms history into a story as powerful as Exodus and as intimate as a lullaby. Sethe, its protagonist, was born a slave and escaped to Ohio, but eighteen years later she is still not free. She has too many memories of Sweet Home, the beautiful ...
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ISBN 978-0-09-975091-8
EAN 9780099750918
It is winter, barely three days into 1926, seven years after Armistice; we are in the scintillating City, around Lenox Avenue, 'when all the wars are over and there will never be another one.At last, at last, everything's ahead.Here comes the new. Look out. There goes the sad stuff. The bad stuff. The things nobody-could-help ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 336 páginas
PVP: 7,66 €
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Four young women are brutally attacked in a convent near an all-black town in America in the mid-1970s. The inevitability of this attack, and the attempts to avert it, lie at the heart of Paradise. Spanning the birth of the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, the counter culture and the politics of the late 1970s, deftly ...
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The chronicle of the tragic lives of a poor black family in 1940s America. Every night Pecola, unlovely and unloved, prays for blue eyes like those of her white schoolfellows. She becomes the focus of the mingled love and hatred engendered by her family's frailty and the world's cruelty.
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 352 páginas
PVP: 15,50 €
ISBN 978-0-09-976841-8
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Song of Solomon is a work of outstanding beauty and power, whose story covers the years from the 1930's to the 1960's in America. At its centre is Macon Dead Jr, the son of a wealthy black property owner, who has been brought up to revere the white world. Macon learns about the tyranny of ...
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Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda · 192 páginas
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As girls, Nel and Sula shared each other's discoveries and dreams in the poor black mid-West of their childhood. Then Sula ran away to live her dreams and Nel got married. Ten years later Sula returns and no one, least of all Nel, trusts her. Sula is the story of the fear that makes people ...
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Au coeur de l'Amérique profonde, deux petites filles noires s'inventent une autre vie, plus riche, plus drôle, plus libre surtout que la dure réalité qui les entoure. L'âge venant, Sula la rebelle part rouler sa bosse dans les grandes villes alors que Nel, la sage, accomplit sa vocation de mère et d'épouse. Quarante ans après, ...
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